Upcoming events.

Our events are a chance to be inspired, meet new people and unwind, however you like to relax.

Future Creatives

Future Creatives

Future Creatives

A gathering for young, innovative minds to connect, collaborate, and inspire each other for a brighter tomorrow!

A TEAM Collective event by Reb Sutton

Calling all artists, activists and visionaries…

Join us for a day and evening of Future Focused talks, music and art. Together we’ll explore how artists and communities can:

• imagine and build better futures for us all.

• evolve the dominant narrative around the future to be more inclusive, regenerative, optimistic and representative.

• design buildings and urban landscapes with the future in mind.

• cultivate possibilities for radically hopeful, regenerative futures.

• break down barriers to make future literacy captivating.

Featuring live music, talks and performances from Newport Boys, Destan Domeni, Trisna Jaikara (DJ), Reb, Julia Harris, The Dolls - Trans femme collective,Onismo Muhlanga, and Andrew Ogun and F.A.C.C

Order of play - Talks and Exhibition

  • 2-2.30pm - Exhibition Opening

  • 2.30-3.30pm - ‘Meet The Faccers’ : a talk by Future Arts Collective Cymru

  • 3.30pm - Future Architects: a talk by Jerono Turgo, MeiLing Choi, Ling Chow

  • 4pm - Acting As Agents For Change/Poetry with Andrew Ogun

  • 4.30pm - Film and poetry with Onismo Muhlanga

Order of play - Music

  • 5.15pm - Julia Harris

  • 6pm - Destan Domeni

  • 6.45pm - The Dolls

  • 7.15pm - Reb

  • 8pm - Newport Boys

  • 9pm - Trishna jaikara DJ

There will also be info stalls


Digwyddiad TEAM Collective gan Reb Sutton

Yn galw ar bob artist, gweithredwr a gweledigaethwr…

Ymunwch â ni am ddiwrnod a noson o sgyrsiau, cerddoriaeth a chelf â Ffocws ar y Dyfodol. Gyda’n gilydd byddwn yn archwilio sut y gall artistiaid a chymunedau:

• dychmygu ac adeiladu dyfodol gwell i ni i gyd.

• esblygu’r prif naratif o amgylch y dyfodol i fod yn fwy cynhwysol, adfywiol, optimistaidd a chynrychioliadol.

• dylunio adeiladau a thirweddau trefol gyda'r dyfodol mewn golwg.

• meithrin posibiliadau ar gyfer dyfodol cwbl obeithiol ac adfywiol.

• chwalu rhwystrau i wneud llythrennedd yn y dyfodol yn ddeniadol.

Yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth fyw, sgyrsiau a pherfformiadau gan Newport Boys, Destan Domeni, Trisna Jaikara (DJ), Reb, Julia Harris, The Dolls - cydweithfa Trans femme,Onismo Muhlanga, ac Andrew Ogun a F.A.C.C

Trefn y dydd - Sgyrsiau ac Arddangosfa

  • 2-2.30pm - Agor yr Arddangosfa

  • 2.30-3.30pm -‘Meet The Faccers’ : sgwrs gan Future Arts Collective Cymru

  • 3.30pm - Future Architects: sgwrs gan Jerono Turgo, MeiLing Choi, Ling Chow

  • 4pm - Gweithredu Fel Asiantau Dros Newid/Barddoniaeth gydag Andrew Ogun

  • 4.30pm - Film and poetry with Onismo Muhlanga

Trefn y dydd - Cerddoriaeth

  • 5.15pm - Julia Harris

  • 6pm - Destan Domeni

  • 6.45pm - The Dolls

  • 7.15pm - Reb

  • 8pm - Newport Boys

  • 9pm - Trishna jaikara DJ

Bydd hefyd stondinau gwybodaeth

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The City Socials: Jesse Briton & The Cardiff Hongkongers

The City Socials: Jesse Briton & The Cardiff Hongkongers

The City Socials: Jesse Briton & The Cardiff Hongkongers

Connect with fellow artists and freelancers working in theatre.

Jesse Briton & The Cardiff Hongkongers
Theatre-maker, Jesse Briton will work with Cardiff Hong Kongers to develop Marginal Worlds (working title) exploring Cardiff's contemporary Hong Kong diaspora.

The City Socials are a regular event hosted by NTW TEAM. They are fun and interactive get-togethers designed to bring together artists and freelancers working in theatre to chat, share, rave and rant.

Share the successes and struggles of building a career in the arts and get to know your fellow community. Throughout the evening, you can expect:

  • A scratch performance from one of our resident artists

  • Networking opportunities

  • Light-touch workshops

  • Opportunities for you to introduce new work

There will be food and alcohol-free drinks to fuel conversation.

Feel free to pop in or stay for the whole evening.



All venues will be wheelchair accessible.

We welcome emerging freelancers and early-career artists of all kinds. If you need support to attend e.g. BSL interpretation or travel costs, get in touch with Justin, our Creative Associate.


Cysylltwch â chyd-artistiaid a gweithwyr llawrydd sy'n gweithio ym myd y theatr.

Jesse Briton & The Cardiff Hongkongers
Bydd y gwneuthurwr theatr, Jesse Briton yn gweithio gyda Hong Kongers Caerdydd i ddatblygu Marginal Worlds (teitl dros dro) yn archwilio alltudion gyfoes Cardiff Hong Kongers.

Mae The City Socials yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd a gynhelir gan NTW TEAM. Maent yn ddigwyddiadau hwyliog a rhyngweithiol sydd wedi’u cynllunio i ddod ag artistiaid a gweithwyr llawrydd sy’n gweithio yn y theatr ynghyd i sgwrsio, rhannu, cwyno a thraethu.

Rhannwch lwyddiannau a brwydrau adeiladu gyrfa yn y celfyddydau a dewch i adnabod eich cyd-gymuned. Drwy gydol y noson, gallwch ddisgwyl:

  • Perfformiad o'r newydd gan un o'n hartistiaid preswyl

  • Cyfleoedd rhwydweithio

  • Gweithdai cyffyrddiad ysgafn

  • Cyfleoedd i chyflwyno gwaith newydd

Bydd bwyd a diodydd di-alcohol yn cael eu darparu i ysgogi sgwrs.

Mae croeso i chi alw heibio neu aros am y noson gyfan.


Darpariaeth mynediad

Bydd pob lleoliad yn hygyrch i gadeiriau olwyn.

Rydym yn croesawu gweithwyr llawrydd newydd ac artistiaid o bob math ar ddechrau eu gyrfa. Os oes angen cymorth arnoch i fynychu ee dehongli BSL, gofal plant neu gostau teithio, cysylltwch â Justin, ein Cydymaith Creadigol.

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Grief Disco

Grief Disco

Grief Disco

Grief impacts us all and can be a lonely and isolating time. We believe in the medicine of music and dance.

You and your grief are so welcome here.

Welcome to Cardiff's first Grief `Disco. We are offering you the opportunity to dance, connect and shake off our grief on the dance floor.

Leah Sian Davies and Georgina Jones are the creators and your hosts.....

'We have both experienced significant loss in our lives and and have found healing in coming together to dance, find joy and connect with ourselves and others on the dance floor. We are building a community to create a positive and uplifting experience for anyone who is grieving and who would love to feel this connection with others who relate.'

Special guest DJ Sarah Sweeney Co founder of Eves' Drop Collective will be spinning the decks alongside the incredible house vocalist Vanessa Freeman. Together, they will create an uplifting musical experience designed to move the body and soul.

There will also be opportunities for you to explore various creative activities in our chill-out area if you wish.

Plus The Sustainable Studio bar will be offering a range of non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks to keep the energy flowing through the night.

Maybe you have lost someone or maybe a friend is struggling and you want to support them. This could be a wonderful way to support each other.

Grief is still such a taboo subject.

We are breaking this taboo by the power of music.

'We dance to remember not to forget.
We dance not to escape but to connect.'

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KLAT presents: Creative Link Up

KLAT presents: Creative Link Up

Creative Link Up

KLAT presents: creative link up

Come join us at The Sustainable Studio for a night of creativity and collaboration! This event is all about connecting with fellow creatives, sharing ideas, and sparking inspiration. Whether you're a designer, artist, writer, or just someone with a passion for creativity, this is the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network.

Get ready for a fun evening filled with discussions, music and networking opportunities!___


The venue is wheelchair accessible.

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Maggie’s Culture Crawl

Maggie’s Culture Crawl

Maggie's Cardiff Culture Crawl

We are supporting this years Culture Crawl on Friday 27th September 2024! Join Maggie’s for a 10k walk around the city that's full of surprises. Walk to remember, walk to celebrate, walk with friends. Whoever you are with, make it a night to remember. Lace up your walking shoes and be part of this unique cultural experience!

You will get:
• Exclusive access to creative venues, take a peek in artist spaces.
• Live music and entertainment along the route.
• Refreshments.
• A free Maggie’s t-shirt.

Registration for the event is £20 and we ask you to raise £60 to help us support local people with cancer.

For more information, please get in touch at fundraisingcardiff@maggiescentres.org

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National Theatre Wales - City Socials

National Theatre Wales - City Socials

NTW City Socials

National Theatre Wales City Socials - Connect with fellow artists and freelancers working in theatre.

Leila Navabi
Writer and multi-disciplinary performer, Leila Navabi will develop a theatre piece that draws from her personal experience of conceiving a child with her partner using a known sperm donor who is one of their best friends.

The City Socials are a regular event hosted by NTW TEAM. They are fun and interactive get-togethers designed to bring together artists and freelancers working in theatre to chat, share, rave and rant.

Share the successes and struggles of building a career in the arts and get to know your fellow community. Throughout the evening, you can expect:

  • A scratch performance from one of our resident artists

  • Networking opportunities

  • Light-touch workshops

  • Opportunities for you to introduce new work

There will be food and alcohol-free drinks to fuel conversation.

Feel free to pop in or stay for the whole evening.



All venues will be wheelchair accessible.

We welcome emerging freelancers and early-career artists of all kinds. If you need support to attend e.g. BSL interpretation or travel costs, get in touch with Justin, our Creative Associate.


Cysylltwch â chyd-artistiaid a gweithwyr llawrydd sy'n gweithio ym myd y theatr.

Leila Navabi
Bydd yr awdur a'r perfformiwr amlddisgyblaethol, Leila Navabi yn datblygu darn o theatr sy’n tynnu ar ei phrofiad personol o genhedlu plentyn gyda’i phartner gan ddefnyddio rhoddwr sberm hysbys sy’n un o’u ffrindiau gorau.

Mae The City Socials yn ddigwyddiad rheolaidd a gynhelir gan NTW TEAM. Maent yn ddigwyddiadau hwyliog a rhyngweithiol sydd wedi’u cynllunio i ddod ag artistiaid a gweithwyr llawrydd sy’n gweithio yn y theatr ynghyd i sgwrsio, rhannu, cwyno a thraethu.

Rhannwch lwyddiannau a brwydrau adeiladu gyrfa yn y celfyddydau a dewch i adnabod eich cyd-gymuned. Drwy gydol y noson, gallwch ddisgwyl:

  • Perfformiad o'r newydd gan un o'n hartistiaid preswyl

  • Cyfleoedd rhwydweithio

  • Gweithdai cyffyrddiad ysgafn

  • Cyfleoedd i chyflwyno gwaith newydd

Bydd bwyd a diodydd di-alcohol yn cael eu darparu i ysgogi sgwrs.

Mae croeso i chi alw heibio neu aros am y noson gyfan.


Darpariaeth mynediad

Bydd pob lleoliad yn hygyrch i gadeiriau olwyn.

Rydym yn croesawu gweithwyr llawrydd newydd ac artistiaid o bob math ar ddechrau eu gyrfa. Os oes angen cymorth arnoch i fynychu ee dehongli BSL, gofal plant neu gostau teithio, cysylltwch â Justin, ein Cydymaith Creadigol.

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Fashion Bar

Fashion Bar

Fancy a different kind of Friday night out?

Transform a handpicked vintage scarf into a statement piece for your summer festival or everyday wear. Our workshop station will be filled with examples of creative makes to inspire your design. Receive expert guidance and all the materials you need to upcycle your unique garment.

Enjoy our selection of boujee cocktails with a special 2-for-1 offer. Sip on delicious drinks as you get crafty and socialize.

Groove to the beats of our live DJ, providing the perfect soundtrack for an evening of fashion and fun.

Connect with Industry Pros! Mingle with designers, model agencies, fashion photographers, fashion promoters, stylists, and more. This is your chance to expand your network and make valuable industry connections.

We look forward to seeing you there!
#FashionBar #UpcycleFashion #SustainableLiving #VintageScarves #DatiXCanopi

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The Sustainable Studio 8th Birthday and Official Opening!

The Sustainable Studio 8th Birthday and Official Opening!

Guess what? We are 8 years old!

We are thrilled to invite you to a very special occasion, our 8th birthday celebration and the Grand Opening of our brand-new premises in Cardiff!

Join us for an evening of celebration, and fun as we look back on our journey over the past eight years and look forward to an exciting future in our new home. We have planned an unforgettable night filled with food, DJs, live music by talented local artists. A great all round evening to connect with fellow guests and industry professionals.

We would be honored to have you join us in celebrating this milestone and new beginning. Your support has been invaluable to our success, and we look forward to sharing this special moment with you.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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STATE OF ART Exhibition

STATE OF ART Exhibition

We are delighted to invite you to the preview of STATE OF ART, a unique exhibition celebrating the incredible outcomes of our recent project with a special focus on Identity.

The aim of STATE OF ART was to provide alternative and imaginative educational opportunities for young people, helping them to improve their skills, build confidence, and connect with others in a creative and safe space. Over the course of 11 workshops, participants came together to express themselves, share ideas, co-produce, and co-design a variety of art pieces. These workshops explored diverse themes such as street culture and fashion, fabric design, expressive writing, and illustration.

STATE OF ART represents a creative collaboration between Beth Morris Workshops and The Sustainable Studio. This community project is proudly partnered by The Arts for Health and Wellbeing team at Cardiff & Vale Health Charity and is fully funded by The Arts Council of Wales.

Join us at The Sustainable Studio to celebrate the achievements of these young artists and to witness the inspiring art they have created. Your presence would mean a lot to us and to the participants who have dedicated their time and creativity to this project.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Comedy Commentary! With Ignacio Lopez

Comedy Commentary! With Ignacio Lopez

Ignacio is sick of big sporting events ruining comedy nights, so he's decided to rope in some other disgruntled comedians to roast COMMENTATE on the Euro 2024 final!

Catch Live At The Apollo's Ignacio Lopez for an absurd night of comedy, with some football playing in the background! 😂 Expect sarcasm, jokes, and silliness, from his panel of hilarity; featuring JJ Whitehead & Leroy Brito!

JJ Whitehead is an award winning Canadian Comedian, a welcome regular on Canadian and British TV, and a world-wide comedy circuit headliner!

Cardiff's own Leroy Brito is a regular on BBC Wales, with solo stand-up specials, sketches, and sitcoms. He's sold out multiple tour shows and has enjoyed headline status in the UK an more recently in New York.

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Sonic Alchemy - Ladies of Rage Takeover // Noson Ladies of Rage

Sonic Alchemy - Ladies of Rage Takeover // Noson Ladies of Rage

Sonic Alchemy - Ladies of Rage Takeover // Noson Ladies of Rage

What's that? You want a LIVE MUSIC SHOWCASE? From Ladies of Rage? Alright then! This showcase is gonna be jam packed with limited tickets. Lineup revealed soon...🤩

When: 2nd of May 7-11pm
Where: The Sustainable Studio
Cost: FREE

Sonic Alchemy is made possible with thanks to Welsh Government and Cardiff Council as part of Cardiff Music City 
#cardiffmusiccity #VisitCardiff #dinasgerddcaerdydd #croesocaerdydd


Chi be'? 'Dych chi eisiau CERDDORIAETH FYW? O Ladies of Rage? Reit ta! Bydd y noson hon yn llawn dop ond efo tocynnau cyfyngedig. 'Lineup' yn cael ei ddangos yn fuan...🤩

Pryd: 2ail o Fai 7-11yh
Ble: The Sustainable Studio

Mae’r Trawsffurfiad Sonig yn bosib gan ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caedydd fel rhan o Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd.

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Sonic Alchemy - Branding and Freelancing with Emina Redzepovic // Brandio a Gwaith Llawrydd â Emina Redzepovic

Sonic Alchemy - Branding and Freelancing with Emina Redzepovic // Brandio a Gwaith Llawrydd â Emina Redzepovic

Sonic Alchemy - Branding and Freelancing with Emina Redzepovic // Brandio a Gwaith Llawrydd â Emina Redzepovic

Being a freelancer and getting yourself out there is tough! This FREE workshop will take your through some useful steps to brand yourself either as an individual or business and how to negotiate the world of freelancing. Emina is a brand strategist and is keen to get you feeling confident and ready to face the networking world! Learn some more about Emina here: https://eminared.com/

There is limited capacity so get your tickets now! FREE

Sonic Alchemy project is made possible with thanks to Welsh Government and Cardiff Council as part of Cardiff Music City 
#cardiffmusiccity #VisitCardiff #dinasgerddcaerdydd #croesocaerdydd


Mae bod yn llawrydd a dangos eich sgiliau i'r byd yn anodd! Bydd y gweithdy AM DDIM hwn yn eich tywys trwy rai camau defnyddiol i frandio eich hun naill ai fel unigolyn neu fusnes a hefyd yn dangos sut i ddelio â'r byd llawrydd. Mae Emina yn strategydd brand ac yn awyddus i wneud i chi deimlo'n hyderus ac yn barod i wynebu'r byd rhwydweithio! Dysgwch fwy am Emina yma: https://eminared.com/

Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd sydd ar gael felly archebwch eich tocynnau nawr! AM DDIM!

Mae’r brosiect Trawsffurfiad Sonig yn bosib gan ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caedydd fel rhan o Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd.

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Sonic Alchemy - Foxy Roxies Jam // Jam Foxy Roxies

Sonic Alchemy - Foxy Roxies Jam // Jam Foxy Roxies

Sonic Alchemy - Foxy Roxies Jam // Jam Foxy Roxies

Sonic Alchemy has done it again and now the Foxiest bunch are joining TSS to give you a jam night!! Foxy Roxies are your gracious hosts for the evening as we provide a FREE space to come and jam together. Bring your instruments, your voice and get ready to mix with other musicians in the Cardiff scene! If you're a musician or passionate about music, we wanna meet ✨you✨! 

This project is made possible with thanks to Welsh Government and Cardiff Council as part of Cardiff Music City 
#cardiffmusiccity #VisitCardiff #dinasgerddcaerdydd #croesocaerdydd


Mae Trawsffurfiad Sonig wedi ei wneud eto a nawr mae'r criw Foxiest yn ymuno â TSS i roi noson jamio 'mlaen!! Gadewch i Foxy Roxies cyflwyno noson hyfryd gan ddarparu lle AM DDIM i ddod a jamio gyda'n gilydd. Dewch â'ch offerynnau, eich llais a pharatowch i gymysgu gyda cherddorion eraill yn y sîn yng Nghaerdydd! Os ydych chi'n gerddor neu'n angerddol am gerddoriaeth, rydyn ni am gwrdd â ✨ chi✨!

Mae’r brosiect yn bosib gan ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caedydd fel rhan o Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd.

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Sonic Alchemy - Nothing Marginalised About it Babes // Dim Byd Ymylol Amdani Babes

Sonic Alchemy - Nothing Marginalised About it Babes // Dim Byd Ymylol Amdani Babes

Sonic Alchemy - Nothing Marginalised About it Babes // Dim Byd Ymylol Amdani Babes

Navigating a constant and demanding industry can require a lot of everyone, especially those who have to cross even more barriers than others. These sessions will give you space to create, think, and connect with others in the industry. A different way of networking is discussing the industry together and slowing down the pace. 

If you know of an organisation that works with marginalised genders in the music industry here in Wales, or if you yourself identify as a woman or marginalised gender who is a part of the industry - we want to meet you! From musicians to managers, assistants to funders, sound tech to gig-goers - anyone is welcome to join.


Workshops from: Resonant of Beacon's Cymru, Namywa CEO of Girl Grind UK

FREE HEADSHOTS from Siria Photography 

Finally we give the floor to you; do you have a project you need help with? Do you want a chance to discuss your music or music career with the right people in the room? This is your chance to be heard and to make some longstanding connections with others in the industry. 

This project is made possible with thanks to Welsh Government and Cardiff Council as part of Cardiff Music City 
#cardiffmusiccity #VisitCardiff #dinasgerddcaerdydd #croesocaerdydd


Mae llywio diwydiant sy' wastad yn heriol yn ofyn llawer gan bawb, ond yn enwedig y rhai sy'n gorfod dod drosto fy o rwystrau nag eraill. Bydd y sesiynau hyn yn rhoi lle i chi greu, meddwl a chysylltu â phobl eraill yn y diwydiant. Ffordd wahanol o rwydweithio, trafod y diwydiant gyda'i gilydd ac arafu lawr.

Os ydych chi'n gwybod am fudiad sy'n gweithio gyda rhywiau ymylol yn y diwydiant cerddoriaeth yma yng Nghymru, neu os ydych chi eich hun yn uniaethu fel menyw neu ryw ymylol sy'n rhan o'r diwydiant - rydyn ni eisiau cwrdd â chi! O gerddorion i reolwyr, cynorthwywyr i gyllidwyr, technoleg sain i fynychwyr gig - mae croeso i unrhyw un ymuno.


Gweithdai gan: Resonant, Beacon's Cymru, Namywa Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Girl Grind UK

PORTREADAU AM DDIM o Siria Photography

Yn olaf rhown gyfle i chi; oes gennych chi brosiect y mae angen help arnoch chi? Ydych chi eisiau cyfle i drafod eich gyrfa gerddoriaeth neu gerddoriaeth gyda'r bobl iawn yn yr ystafell? Dyma'ch cyfle i gael eich clywed ac i wneud cysylltiadau sefydlog ag eraill yn y diwydiant.

Mae’r brosiect yn bosib gan ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caedydd fel rhan o Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd.City.

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Fashion Revolution MEND IN PUBLIC DAY

Fashion Revolution MEND IN PUBLIC DAY

Fashion Revolution - Mend in Public Day (Cardiff) | All ages and skill levels

Calling all Cardiff-based Fashion Revolutionaries: join us in making loved clothes last on Mend in Public Day at The Sustainable Studio!

Designed as an accessible form of fashion activism, the Cardiff event will feature a beginner friendly repair station, creative workshops led by local textile artists, and inspiring conversations, as part of the global initiative to inspire you to learn how to make the clothes you love last for longer.

The day will wrap up with a #WeAreFashionRevolution celebration to mark 10 years of Fashion Revolution. Dress code: Your best sustainable outfit - whether pre-loved, up-cycled, mended or ethically made!

We’ll bring the mending tools; you bring the repair pile and enthusiasm to mend your clothes and mend the system. All skill levels and Fashion Revolutionaries welcome! #MendInPublicDay @fash_rev

Full event programme:

  • 11am - 4pm: Repair clinic

  • 12pm: Basic mending with Ethical Boutique: Sypsy will deliver a basic mending workshop designed to introduce beginners to simple repair techniques such as fixing rips and tears.

  • 1pm - 1:30pm: Pre-loved fashion Q&A with Rachel Pridmore: Slow fashion influencer Rachel, will share her journey into pre-loved clothing, discuss the importance of shopping secondhand and share her tips for caring for your thrifted finds.

  • 2pm: Patch-making workshop with Cardiff Sewing Social: Karina will host a patch-making workshop where you will learn basic embroidery techniques and how to create decorative patches to help you customise your clothing.

  • 2pm: Up-cycling workshop with Wasted Threads: Rose and Susan will show you how you can upcycle items from your home and wardrobe into fashionable garments to love again.

  • 3pm: Recycling workshop with Rubbish Reinvented: Lin will demonstrate how they upcycle single-use plastic bags and show you how to transform them into stylish accessories. Advanced booking is required: click here to book.

  • 3pm: Embroidery for decoration and repair with Ophelia Dos Santos: Ophelia will show you how to use decorative embroidery to mend and embellish your favourite clothes, and explore the importance of developing these skills to transform our relationship with fashion.

  • 4pm - 4:30pm: Fashion as a tool for activism Q&A with Stacey Grant-Canham: Stacey, owner of ethical fashion brand Black & Beech, will share her experience of using fashion as a tool for activism and discuss the importance of reducing our consumption and embracing slow fashion. 


After the final Q&A discussion there will be a break before the evening event begins.


  • 6pm onwards: #WeAreFashionRevolution celebration to mark 10 years of Fashion Revolution, showcase local designers and encourage deeper conversations around sustainable fashion. Advanced booking is required: click here to book.


All skill levels welcome! All events will be free to access. We can provide sewing materials and advice from expert menders. 

Accessible toilets are on site. The studio is wheelchair accessible with ramps and wider doorways into the space.

Refreshments will be available to purchase from The Sustainable Studio bar. There are a number of street food vendors nearby including Jamaican, Caribbean and vegan cuisine. You are welcome to bring your own food. 

Download our parking guide here.

Cost: All workshops, talks and events are Free

In partnership with:









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Sonic Alchemy BENNY FLOWZ

Sonic Alchemy BENNY FLOWZ

Sonic Alchemy - BENNY FLOWZ | 18+

The Sustainable Studio is thrilled to announce its first event for the Sonic Alchemy project.  

In collaboration with @Valley Events, we’re bringing an iconic blend of Welsh Rap with headliner Benny Flowz joined by (list the names)  

This is the first in a series of events, so keep your eyes peeled   

This project is made possible with thanks to Welsh Government and Cardiff Council as part of @CardiffMusicCity 

#cardiffmusiccity #VisitCardiff #dinasgerddcaerdydd #croesocaerdydd

Mae’r Sustainable Studio yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi ein digwyddiad cyntaf i’r prosiect ‘Trawsffurfiad Sonig’

Gan gyd-weithio â @Valley Events rydym yn cyflwyno noson o rap cymysg Gymraeg anhygoel efo Benny Flowz fel ein brif act, gan gynnwys (list of names).

Dyma’r digwyddiad cyntaf o sawl un, felly cadwch lygaid

Mae’r brosiect yn bosib gan ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caedydd fel rhan o Ddinas Gerdd Caerdydd (@CardiffMusicCity) 

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Spooky Sunday Cinema

Spooky Sunday Cinema

Animated Horror Shorts | 15+

Do you dare to join us in the dark for a deliciously curated programme of some of the darkest and spookiest animated short films from around the world? Cardiff Animation Festival presents an hour of animated horror short for adults.

Please show your confirmation email on arrival to access the event. Please arrive 10 minutes before so that we can start on time. Snacks and drinks will be available to buy throughout the event.

All our events over the Warehouse Weekender will be on the 1st and 2nd floors. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Your support will allow us to open up a ground-floor space suitable for events, workshops and more!

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Family Silent Disco

Family Silent Disco

Have a fun-filled afternoon at our family-friendly silent disco. Dress up or wear your best disco fits whilst choosing from three DJs spinning non-stop tunes!

Please show your confirmation email on arrival to access the event. Please arrive 10 minutes before so that we can start on time. Snacks and drinks will be available to buy throughout the event.

All our events over the Warehouse Weekender will be on the 1st and 2nd floors. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Your support will allow us to open up a ground-floor space suitable for events, workshops and more!

Why not come along to our family Sunday Cinema beforehand at 2 pm?

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Spooky Sunday Cinema

Spooky Sunday Cinema

Spooky Family Animation | PG

Cardiff Animation Festival presents a spooky screening of animated short films. Feel free to come along dressed up in your favourite costume. Why not stick around for the afternoon and get your groove on at our family Silent disco?

Please show your confirmation email on arrival to access the event. Please arrive 10 minutes before so that we can start on time.

All our events over the Warehouse Weekender will be on the 1st and 2nd floors. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Your support will allow us to open up a ground-floor space suitable for events, workshops and more!

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Saturday Night Send off!

Saturday Night Send off!

Join us for an intimate party celebrating seven years at the Warehouse before the big move to our new space. You’ll be treated to a night of fun, food, drinks, Live music and three DJs spinning tunes at our after-hours silent disco. More acts are to be announced!

Please show your confirmation email on arrival to access the event. Please arrive 10 minutes before so that we can start on time.

All our events over the Warehouse Weekender will be on the 1st and 2nd floors. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Your support will allow us to open up a ground-floor space suitable for events, workshops and more!

PS. Yes, we will be showing the rugby match!

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Pop-Up Market

Pop-Up Market

Pop-Up Market - Collectable Furniture, Clothing, Toys, books & more!

Exciting news!! We are holding a Pop-Up event on Sunday, the 14th of May. Come along for a fun day with friends and family from 11 am-4 pm at The Sustainable Studio.


A curated pre-loved market selling everything from original retro furniture (Ercol, Tolix, Eames), home decor, pre-loved clothing, fabric, ceramics, good quality used toys and books and much more. The is truly something for everyone of all ages and interests, and at every budget! Refreshments and Cake will be available to purchase for a small donation.

We can’t wait to see you there!

*Please be aware that the Market will take place on the 2nd floor in the Events space, requiring you to climb two sets of stairs. Due to the nature of the warehouse, there is no disabled access for this event.

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Curated Nature, Aidan Myers

Curated Nature, Aidan Myers

Curated Nature, Aidan Myers

Curated Nature comprises of new paintings from Myers’ ongoing Props series with a selection of paintings from his previous bodies of work. The exhibition creates a dialogue between Myers’ landscape subject matters bridging his varying approaches and interests with working from landscape.

The Private View for the exhibition will be on Saturday 6th May 6-8pm. All welcome. To find out more about about Aidan check out his website www.aidanmyers.co.uk

The exhibition then continues on Sunday 7th May from 11-4pm

Open Mon-Sat 11-4pm or by appointment (7th - 29th May2023)

Refreshments are available on this opening event.

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Reframing Fashion

Reframing Fashion

The Photography project focuses on Sustainable Fashion and emphasizes the impact personal fashion choices have on the environment.

Today's society faces serious issues related to climate change, making it crucial to highlight fashion brands that are making a difference in Wales. We stand a better chance of achieving Net Carbon Zero if sustainability becomes a concern for every sector, including the fashion industry.

Through ethical fashion, circular fashion, slow fashion, and conscious fashion, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the value of sustainable fashion.

This is an Initiative by Taiye Omokore in collaboration with The Sustainable Studio.

Featured Designers: Daticlothing, Boutique De Nana, G Wintle Designs, Ophelia Dos Santos, Finelys House, Spare Me, and Meg Hooper 

The exhibition runs from 09 February to 11 March 2023 at Urban Crofters, 24 Crofts Street, Cardiff CF24 3DZ.

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Community lunch

Community lunch

Turn up and get stuck into a community feast. Are you a freelance maker or creative and want to meet new people? Just bring a dish to share with the group. It could be some dip and crisps, a curry sauce, pan of rice, pizza, a salad or a bottle of pop! Please confirm you are attending by simply emailing hi@thesustainable.studio and include any dietary requirements.

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Pluto Reading Room Series - 'Learning Whiteness: Education and the Settler Colonial State'

Pluto Reading Room Series - 'Learning Whiteness: Education and the Settler Colonial State'

Arathi Sriprakash joins us to talk about 'Learning Whiteness: Education and the Settler Colonial State'.

Learning Whiteness examines the material conditions, knowledge politics and complex feelings that create and relay systems of racial domination. Focusing on Australia, the authors demonstrate how whiteness is fundamentally an educational project – taught within education institutions and through public discourse – in active service of the settler colonial state.

This conversation is set in the backdrop of the Welsh Government Publishing it's Anti Racist Plan for 2030 and the introduction of the new Curriculum which incorporates Black History. We will be discussing the difference this is going to make and journey Wales has it set itself on.

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Pluto Reading Room Series - 'Border Nation: A Story of Migration'

Pluto Reading Room Series - 'Border Nation: A Story of Migration'

Leah joins us to discuss ideas from her book “Border Nation: A Story of Migration".

Border Nation explores borders are more than geographical lines - they impact all our lives, whether it's the inhumanity of deportations, or a rise in racist attacks in the wake of the EU referendum. Border Nation shows how oppressive borders must be resisted.

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Fabric & Sample sale

Fabric & Sample sale

Starting a new collection or crafting project? Come and grab some bargain fabrics and off cuts at our fabric sale.

We have five in house designers who have all come together to offer their left over fabrics and offcuts for a unique sale. You'll find anything from organic cotton and jersey to high end designer off cuts. There will also be some sample pieces and vintage picks up for grabs as well as trims, buttons and other haberdashery! Tell all your friends and come and spend a good time rummaging!

Book your ticket via Eventbrite

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Community lunch

Community lunch

Turn up and get stuck into a community feast. Are you a freelance maker or creative and want to meet new people? Just bring a dish to share with the group. It could be some dip and crisps, a curry sauce, pan of rice, pizza, a salad or a bottle of pop! Please confirm you are attending by simply emailing hi@thesustainable.studio and include any dietary requirements.

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Anti-Capitalist Fashion Show: The Rise of Upcycled Fashion

Anti-Capitalist Fashion Show: The Rise of Upcycled Fashion

“Something borrowed, something blue, something upcycled, nothing new” - join us for an evening of rebellious fashion and fun

Anti Capitalist Fashion Show: The Rise of Upcycled Fashion

Friday 23 Sept , 7pm - 10pm , The Sustainable Studio

A celebration of sustainable and upcycled fashion with up and coming designers in Wales. Wear your best second hand fashion outfit and join us for an evening of fashion, music and rebellion.

Sioe Ffasiwn Gwrth-gyfalafol: Poblogrwydd Ffasiwn sydd wedi’i Uwchgylchu

Nos Wener 23 Medi , 7pm - 10pm , The Sustainable Studio

Dathliad o ffasiwn cynaliadwy ac sydd wedi’i ucwhgylchu gyda dylunwyr newydd o Gymru. Gwisgwch eich gwisg ffasiwn ail-law orau ac ymuno â ni am noson llawn ffasiwn, cerddoriaeth a gwrthryfela.

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Craft Circle: Visible Mending

Craft Circle: Visible Mending

Skye’s Craft Circle x Visible Mending with TSS
Weds Sept 21, 7pm - 9pm
Queer Emporium

Join Skye and fashion designers from The Sustainable Studio as we teach you how to mend, stitch and upcycle your clothing and materials to create something new, from something pre-loved. Bring along some items you want to mend or transform and whatever your level of skill, we can help you.

Cylch Crefftau Skye x Trwsio Amlwg gyda TSS
Nos Fercher 21 Medi
7pm - 9pm
Queer Emporium

Ymunwch â Skye a dylunwyr ffasiwn o The Sustainable Studio wrth i ni eich addysgu sut i drwsio, pwytho ac uwchgylchu eich dillad a’ch deunyddiau i greu rhywbeth newydd o hen beth. Dewch ag eitemau gyda chi rydych am eu trwsio neu eu trawsnewid a beth bynnag yw eich lefel sgil, gallwn eich helpu chi.

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The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion: An Author and Panel Q&A

The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion: An Author and Panel Q&A

Join the author and panel as we delve into the world of fashion, how it is now and how it could be if we rejected a capitalist system.

The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion: An Author and Panel Q&A

Friday Sept 16, 6.30pm - 8pm, University of South Wales Atrium

Fashion is political. From the red carpets of the Met Gala to online fast fashion, clothes tell a story of inequality, racism and climate crisis. In The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion, Tansy E. Hoskins unpicks the threads of capitalist industry to reveal the truth about our clothes and listen to our panel discuss the Welsh approach and contribution to the fashion world.

The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion: Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb Awdur a Phanel

Nos Wener 16 Medi, 6.30pm - 8pm, Atriwm Prifysgol De Cymru

Mae ffasiwn yn wleidyddol. O garpedi coch y Met Gala i ffasiwn cyflym ar-lein, mae dillad yn adrodd straeon anghydraddoldeb, hiliaeth ac argyfwng yr hinsawdd. Mae The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion, Tansy E. Hoskins yn dadwneud llinynnau’r diwydiant cyfalaf i ddatgelu’r gwirionedd am ein dillad ac i wrando ar ein panel drafod dull a chyfraniad Cymru at y byd ffasiwn.

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In conversation with Dave Randall 'Sound System'

In conversation with Dave Randall 'Sound System'

Pluto Press Reading Rooms event with Dave Randall to discuss topical issues connecting to Sound System: The Political Power of Music.

Our events are an opportunity to meet and discuss local problems that we encounter everyday with people who’ve developed through their writings, research and activism, innovative and powerful ways to make change happen.

The Sustainable Studio and Butetown Connect, together with colleagues from the creative, cultural, community and voluntary sectors, invite you to be part of a series of topical discussions as we launch this Reading Room in Cardiff as a library resource for like-minded members of our local communities.

Dave Randall is a guitarist, producer and composer. He has played at most of the world's major festivals and music TV shows.

Music has been placed at the heart of Cardiff’s future with the Welsh capital being officially declared a Music City - the first of its kind in the UK. As the next Cardiff Council term begins there is a publicly stated commitment to deliver the Music City Strategy to support and nurture music-making at all levels.

The event will be facilitated by local activists Fahadi Mukulu and Nirushan Sudarsan. It will focus on key themes of the book and have a connection with local community issues. We ask questions on how the Music City Strategy is delivering for communities across the City and how we can make music serve the interests of the many, rather than the few?

“This is a book of raves, riots and revolution. From the Glastonbury Festival to the Arab Spring, Pop Idol to Trinidadian Carnival. Musicians have often wanted to change the world. From underground innovators to pop icons many have believed in the political power of music. Rulers recognise it too. Music has been used to challenge the political and social order - and to prop up the status quo.”

Discount Code to purchase copies of Sound System from Pluto Press with 40% discount: RRR40.

Event 2 - advance diary note - author Amelia Horgan Saturday October 8th 2.30pm ‘Lost in Work’.

We'll be starting the event at 3.00pm prompt, please feel free to arrive any time from 2:30pm onwards, so we can sign you in. There'll be refreshments on your arrival.Please be aware, there is limited capacity at the Sustainable Studio, so if you decide you can no longer join us we'd appreciate knowing so we can release your ticket for someone else. And if you know anyone intending to join us who hasn't booked yet, please encourage them to do so!

If you have accessibility needs, please do let us know and we invite everyone, where possible, to take a Covid test in advance. It will be up to you whether you wear a mask at the event.

We will finish the event with light snacks at 5pm where you can join us for a networking and open conversation afterwards.

The Sustainable Studio is on Curran Road in Butetown CF10 5NE , and is located off Dumballs Road.

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